<aside> 💡 This guide covers how to create a ceremonial sword for the “Perfectionist” achievement or for more intensive training purposes. To learn how to train smithing in a more AFK manner using Artisan Workshop, refer to the Burial Armor guide. Note: Ceremonial swords are an extremely expensive training method.


<aside> ➕ Having the Falador shield from the Prestige shop equipped whilst training in the Artisan Workshop increases your respect gain by 5%.


Ceremonial swords require IV ingots composed out of metal ores such as iron, steel, mithril, adamantite, or runite, and coal. Ores may be deposited into the smelter noted. IV ingots can only be taken from the western side of the smelter.

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Once you have your ingot(s), speak to the dwarves Abel or Egil to obtain a sword design. The goal of this activity is to recreate the design as a real sword with a perfect likeness, or as close as you can get to it before the sword cools off or there is no further possible way to improve it. If you accidentally hit the sword too hard and it becomes too thin, the sword will snap, and you will lose it completely.

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Now that you have your plans for the sword, head to a nearby anvil, and the ceremonial sword interface will open. Clicking the hammer icons on the interface will make dents in the sword based on how hard you’re hitting, which is selected by clicking the words Hard, Medium, Soft, or Careful on the left side of the interface. The tip of the sword always requires a depth of 8 to be sharp, but for the rest of the sword, it will break when you hit down to 7 and it’s no longer sturdy enough.

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It is recommended to adhere to the following rules when hammering out your design:

Following these steps, it is very rare to accidentally snap the sword in half.

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Many swords will not be “perfect” and slightly over-dented in some places, this is completely normal and if you intend to use ceremonial swords as a training method, try not to waste too much time trying to getting every sword to be perfect.

When trying to make a perfect sword for the “Perfectionist” achievement, you may want to use Soft more often than you normally would instead of Medium, as it is relatively common to hit both 3s and 2s when using the Medium setting, and you don’t want to overshoot your design. This may take a few tries.

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