Summoning familiars provide passive boosts, some of which are skill boosts that give you invisible extra levels to help you train your skills. Invisible boosts do not allow you to perform actions that require higher levels than your own.

The table below details what you need for each familiar in the passive skill boost category and what their benefits are.

Dreadfowl 4 Gold Raw chicken +1 Farming lvl
Granite crab 16 Gold Iron ore +1 Fishing lvl
Desert wyrm 18 Green Bucket of sand +1 Mining lvl
Beaver 33 Green Willow logs +2 Woodcutting lvls
Pyrelord 46 Crimson Tinderbox +3 Firemaking lvls
Ibis 56 Green Harpoon +3 Fishing lvls
Spirit graahk 57 Blue Graahk fur +5 Hunter lvls
Spirit kyatt 57 Blue Kyatt fur +5 Hunter lvls
Spirit larupia 57 Blue Larupia fur +5 Hunter lvls
Stranger plant 64 Crimson Bagged plant I +1 Farming lvl (+4% of your farming level)
Arctic bear 71 Gold Polar kebbit fur +7 Hunter lvls
Obsidian golem 73 Blue Obsidian charm +7 Mining lvls
Granite lobster 74 Crimson Granite +4 Fishing lvls
Lava titan 83 Blue Obsidian charm +10 Mining lvls
Wolpertingers 92 Crimson Raw rabbit + wolf bones +5 Hunter lvls