Warning: You must travel through the Lava Maze - which is part of the Wilderness - in order to reach this boss. PVP is enabled. You then enter an instance where no one else can come; this is a solo boss.
- It is recommended to use ranged for this boss. It's possible to melee but the boss does not respond kindly to players standing in melee distance and praying soul split/melee in melee distance. The Noxious demon has a very strong mage defense and therefore it is not recommended to use magic either.
- To kill the Noxious demon you’re going to want at least a Chaotic crossbow and full Armadyl, but preferably high tier gear such as Trickster, Vanguard, or Pernix and weapons like an Ascension crossbow, Zaryte bow, or a Noxious bow.
- A ring of wealth has no effect on the reward chest, so an imbued Archers' ring is best in slot.
- If you're learning the boss it might be easier to use a crossbow with Onyx (e) bolts and simply praying ranged the entire kill, until you become more comfortable with switching prayers.
- Your inventory set-up should consist of the following:
- Stat boosting potions such as Overloads > Extremes > Supers
- Any type of anti-poison potion
- Steel of legend scrolls (and a Steel titan)
- Chinchompas or a different preferred method of dealing with the spiders
- Saradomin brews
- Super restores to match
- Your best food
- Dreadnips (Optional but recommended)
- Statius Warhammer and dragon defender, or Bandos godsword (Optional but recommended)
- Vengeance runes (Astral, Death, Earth) (Optional, advanced)
- Disruption shield runes (Astral, Body, Blood) (Optional, advanced)
Equipment example:
The Noxious Demon has 4 "phases" in which more of its special attacks unlock as you progress. Some of its attacks can be heard more easily (and sooner) than they can be seen by listening to the demon's voice lines. You can turn them up or down in the settings tab > audio options > last bar. The audio cues are extremely helpful for its poison attacks.
The Demon also has a "Taunt" option, which is used to take aggression of the boss when it's attacking Cyrisus. This is extremely important on your first Nox Demon kill, as you will not be able to complete the quest if he dies! You will have to restart your kill. After the quest this is far less important, and he's a nice tool to soul split some HP back while Cyrisus tanks for you.