Juju Hunter potion 54 Withered Erzille Allows you to catch God Jadinkos
Increases the catch rate of all Jadinkos
Scentless potion 59 Withered Argway Improves the catch rate of all traps
(Stacks with bait and Juju Hunter potions)
Juju Farming potion 64 Draconic Ugune 33% Chance to receive two herbs from each herb harvest
Juju Cooking potion 67 Withered Shengo N/A - No effect yet in-game
Juju Fishing potion 70 Withered Samaden 33% Chance to catch a Baron shark when fishing sharks
Juju Woodcutting potion 71 Draconic Shengo 10% Chance to summon a Wood spirit when chopping logs that will bank logs for you for 30 seconds after being summoned
Juju Mining potion 74 Draconic Samaden 10% Chance to summon a Stone spirit when mining ore that will bank ores for you for 30 seconds after being summoned (This effect also applies to sandstone and gem rocks)
Saradomin’s blessing 75 Saradomin Samaden 10% Bonus experience when harvesting Vine herbs
Guthix’s gift 75 Guthix Samaden 10% Bonus experience when making Juju potions
Zamorak’s favour 75 Zamorak Samaden 10% Bonus experience when hunting Jadinkos

<aside> 🚩 Juju potion update post **here!**
