💡 If you still need help or if your question is not listed below, join the server’s Discord. Then create a ticket in the #support channel for a staff member to help you out!
Frequently Asked Questions
I downloaded my client, but it won't open when I click on it. What do I do?
I opened the client, but it isn't loading. What do I do?
- Your computer may block the connection if your client is stuck at 0% for several minutes with no response. Disable any active VPN and/or allow an exception through your Firewall/Antivirus and reboot your PC. For further technical information, follow the steps to install BlissScape clean at the bottom of this channel.
The client's screen is black after I logged in. How do I fix it?
- This likely means your cache is still loading, especially if it's your first time opening the client. Type ::blackscreen in-game for information on how to check its loading progress.
- If you are on an Apple computer and the client has an unresponsive black screen, relaunch it from the BlissScape Launcher while holding the "s" key to boot into Safe Mode.
My client keeps crashing or freezing. How do I stop this?
- Make sure you have the 64-bit Java version. If you only have the 32-bit version, the amount of memory Java can use is severely limited and your game will crash more frequently. If that does not remedy the issue, try putting your client in Safe Mode. There's an option in-game under the "custom" graphic settings, or you can alternatively reopen the client and hold the "s" key the whole time it loads up.
- A quick way to check how much memory BlissScape can use is to type "heap" into the Developer Console in-game (by hitting ~ without holding shift). 32-bit Java is limited to 248MB, which fills up quickly, whereas 64-bit uses roughly 25% of your computer's total ram. For example, you'll see ~8169MB if you have 32GB of RAM.
My client can't run OpenGL / is stuck in Safe Mode. How do I fix this?
- Navigate to [c:\Program Files\Java] and make sure that you have one folder titled JRE (Java Runtime Engine) and not JDK (Java Development Kit). If you have JDK, quit all Java programs and uninstall JDK from the Windows Settings -> Apps & Features menu. Continue following the clean install steps at the bottom of this channel.
- Unfortunately, modern Apple computers are restricted to Safe Mode. For Linux support, message @Pyro.
I forgot my password. How can I get my account back?
- Create a ticket in the #support channel, and a server Admin will gladly help.
How can I delete my email?