💡 This guide covers how to use the burial armor section of the Artisans' Workshop. To learn how to create ceremonial swords, refer to the Ceremonial sword guide.
🧮 To calculate the ores required for your Completionist or Trim requirement, click here. (Calculator made by Bs and Firefly)
The Artisans' Workshop requires metal ores (iron, mithril, adamant, rune) and coal. Burial armor smithing starts at level 30 smithing.
How to Start Smithing:
- To create the ingots required for burial smithing, use your ores on the machine in the middle of the workshop to store them. (Noted works)
- The west and east side of this machine have different ingots. The west side is dedicated to ingot IV (for ceremonial swords) and the east side is dedicated to ingot I/II/III (for burial armor). Make sure to click the east side of the machine.
- Here you will find a selection of ingots made from different metals, and buttons to select whether you want to use Tier I, II, or III. These tiers represent how much ore will be used to create an ingot. Using tier I ingots will be the cheapest method, but also the slowest XP, and using tier III ingots will be fastest XP but also extremely eXPensive.
- Once you have withdrawn an inventory of ingots of your choice, move over to the anvils and click one.
- At the top of your screen will be a small rectangle that displays your "current instructions"; you are not necessarily required to listen to them, however, if you DO follow the current instructions, you will receive 10% bonus XP for your items made.
Extra Tips:
- If you're already working on an item and the instructions change, you will still receive your bonus XP when you finish that item.
- Occasionally, the pipes on the floor of the workshop may burst. You can repair them for some free XP, so keep an eye out!
- If you have the Falador Shield from the prestige shop, make sure you wear it, as it increases your respect gain.
- You gain respect at a rate of 1% per 760k XP gained in any part of the workshop. This adds up to a total of 19m XP to unlock the cannon for the Completionist requirement, and an additional 334.4m XP to unlock the Trimmed Completionist requirement.
- Once you have unlocked all rewards, you can speak to the dwarf to trade your respect in for cannonballs at a rate of 150 cannonballs per 1% respect.